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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Dayboat?

A Dayboat is when the fish and other seafood are caught and brought to shore on the same day.



Should Fish or Shellfish have an oder?

NO!!! That means the Fish is old and the shelf life is deteriorated or already bad?



What is the shelf life on Fish or Shellfish?

It depends on where you get it from. If you get it from us and is iced properly, you will get a longer shelf life than if you buy if from another source that buys it second or third hand. 

We only buy directly from the boats to ensure the best quality and shelf life possible.



If Shellfish like Clams, Mussels, etc. are open, are they bad?

If the shell is open, that means that the Shellfish is dead and should not be consumed.



Are all the Fish and Shellfish that you sell caught local?

Yes, we do not buy second hand.



Do you sell Frozen Fish or Frozen Shellfish?

Yes, but please contact me for details.



Do you sell Retail to the Public?

Not currently, only wholesale to Fish Markets and Restaurants.



What days do you deliver?

It depends. When the Fishing Vessels come in, we try to delivery that day.

We recommend you click on "Seafood Gallery" to see what's available then call to confirm.





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